animated gif showing the words: who’s the scientist / playing epic board games / with herself? animated gif showing the words: a pet and cute enough / with her fierce eyes / and pretty nose animated gif showing the words: read queer quanta / till your socks rot / or change them daily animated gif showing the words: the buoy the bright bay / the temporary feeling / of relief

animated gif showing the words: centrifuge / fugues / inevitable animated gif showing the words: a gigantic / coke can / a baby inside animated gif showing the words: self assembled / human / plus CO<sub>2</sub>

animated gif showing the words: i ching / and change / accordingly animated gif showing the words: her mind / one fireword / after another animated gif showing the words: all fireworks / > / all knowledge

animated gif showing the words: hedging the hegemon / won’t keep us safe / from missiles animated gif showing the words:same old missives / massive in their silos / silent animated gif showing the words: hedging the hegemon / won’t keep us safe / from missiles