inn joke 2
subject suspects interpolations.
capitulated by the worshipful company of googolplexians (gaps in google) (if they gotta be there) (a stasis, a state of grace, perplexity) so squeeze in now. slick dominoes from outfield at a right angle to everything else. ever more eventful cocktails shaken by suave embarristers when all i want is the first mouthful of a fresh craft beer. there’s only one word here i would delete. i have never been candy. in a can. i have never seen a gap. in a
so this hive mind murmur. thing. what to do? capitalism? uberlordolatory? those whiteys. sure had. rhythm. but 2 late now. the mirror model of civilisation. gods bless its wotan sox. mercury rises. the superinfective mirror bacterium of late state financialisation-of-all-things upwards. exo. tic. puh-lease don’t invent it. i ask u. again!